Embed Contracts AI into your product workflows

No need to develop AI from the ground up. Easily embed contracts AI into your applications using Zuva API to extract information from your contracts.

Zuva API Console Home Screen Sample Zuva API request Sample Zuva API response
Zuva API Console and a sample request and response

Built-In Expertise

Accelerated time to value with our 1,300+ built-in AI fields


Flexible deployment options across multiple regions


Reliable data security and privacy protocols in place

Zuva's Contract AI has helped us accelerate our time to value for various customer use cases. My development team was able to quickly integrate Zuva's API with our core product, TotalAgility, to show the power of these two solutions working together.

Get started with Zuva API

Upload your documents and perform requests

Generate a token on Admin Console to start using Zuva API. Temporarily upload documents to the file cache and perform requests using the API endpoints.

Classify the document type and language

Classify the type of document and whether it is a contract or not, as well as determine the predominant language the document is written in.

Extract over 1,300 different AI fields using the built-in field library

Leverage our pre trained AI fields to extract over 1,300 common legal clauses, key provisions and data points that have been built and trained by experienced lawyers and subject matter experts.

Explore Use Cases with Zuva API

Our API supports use cases across a range of industries and product categories.

Learn more about Use Cases with Zuva API
Example use cases: Contract lifecycle management (CLM), Audit, Document Management Systems, Client Relationship Management (CRM), Contract Negotiation, Virtual Data Room (VDR)

AI Fields

Built-in Field Library

Our 1,300+ built-in fields were built and trained on a variety of document types governed by various jurisdictions.

View Built-In Fields

Build Your Own Fields

Can’t find the field you need? Build your own field with AI Trainer, our no-code UI based training product.

Learn more about AI Trainer

Explore our documentation to start building with Zuva API

View Documentation
Sample Zuva API Request

We use Zuva to embed best in class contract intelligence directly into the LawVu legal workspace, so our customers can easily identify, triage and analyze contracts from their existing contract workflows.

Get Started for Free!

Create your free Zuva API account today. No credit card required.

Frequently Asked Questions