Contract Central

Indemnification Clause

An indemnification clause is a provision in a contract that establishes when and to what extent one party will assume liability for the losses of another.

Payment Terms

Payment terms are contractual provisions that establish rules for when and how payment for goods or services supplied under a contract must be made.

Non-Compete Clause

A non-compete clause is a contractual provision that establishes one party’s promise to refrain from engaging in certain competitive activity against another.

Non-Solicit Clause

A non-solicit clause is a contractual provision that establishes one party’s promise to refrain from poaching another party’s customers, employees, etc.

Non-Disparagement Clause

A non-disparagement clause is a contractual provision that establishes one party’s agreement not to disrespect, discredit or otherwise criticize another.

Force Majeure Clause

A force majeure clause is a contractual provision that establishes what happens to performance under the contract if a “force majeure” event occurs. “Force majeure” events are events beyond the parties’ control, such as accidents, acts of war or terrorism, civil or military disturbances, and nuclear or natural catastrophes or acts of God.

Breach Notification Clause

A breach notification clause is a contractual provision that establishes one party’s obligation to notify another in the event of a data breach.

Arbitration Clause

An arbitration clause is a contractual provision that establishes arbitration as a mechanism for resolving contract-related disputes.

Free AI Policy Template

Non-solicitation agreements prevent parties to a contract from trying to win the customers or employees of another. Our AI analyzes your contracts and extracts the relevant clauses for quick decision-making.