Contract Central

Termination Clause

A termination clause is a contractual provision that sets forth the circumstances under which agreements may be terminated, including the effects of termination, such as payments and other rights and obligations of the parties

Term Clause

The term clause is a contractual provision that defines the period when the contract begins and how long it will last.

Shipping Terms

Shipping terms (or delivery terms) are contractual provisions that establish the legal and commercial rules for effecting delivery of goods under an agreement.

Severance Clause

A severance clause is a contractual provision that establishes an employee's right to receive severance pay in certain circumstances, including termination.

Rights of First Offer and Refusal

Rights of first offer and refusal are contractual rights that give one party an opportunity to preemptively acquire certain property owned by another.

Renewal Clause

A renewal clause is a contractual provision that gives one or more parties the right to renew or extend the term of an agreement.

Publicity Clause

A publicity clause is a contractual provision that establishes how, when and for what purpose a contract’s details may be disclosed to the public.