
Build custom AI fields

Can’t find what your looking for from our 1,300+ built-in AI fields? Zuva Create enables you to build custom AI fields to find and extract data points from your contracts.

No Code

Create custom AI fields without the need for a developer or data scientist

Intuitive Interface

Any subject matter expert can simply highlight text for the system to learn to find


Train on confidential documents in a private and secure environment

Get started with Zuva Create

Upload documents

Gather documents you want to train AI fields on, which should be representative of the document types you intend to use the custom trained AI fields. Easily upload multiple documents or entire folders simultaneously.

Create AI fields

Create AI fields by giving each AI field a name, adding a description, any collaborators, jurisdictions and tags.

Annotate documents

Add AI fields to documents and highlight the relevant language that you want the AI fields to capture.

Review suggestions

After training 10 documents, Zuva will generate suggestions that you can choose to accept or edit which can then be added to training.

Publish AI fields to Zuva

Once you’re happy with how the AI fields are performing, easily publish them to Analyze and API at the click of a button.

AI Training Best Practices

There are some key practices and considerations when it comes to building an effective AI training discipline. To learn more, watch our Webinar with Zuva’s Sr. Manager of Legal Knowledge Engineering, Resa Jacob and CEO, Noah Waisberg.

Get Started for Free!

Create a Zuva account today to try Create free for 30 days - no credit card required.

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Frequently Asked Questions