What is eDiscovery?
eDiscovery refers to the practice of searching and discovery of electronic information to support litigation or investigations. eDiscovery software helps users process, review, tag, and produce electronic documents as part of this work. eDiscovery is a well-established software category with many large vendors in it. You can read LOTS more elsewhere about eDiscovery!
How Contracts AI can help in eDiscovery
Sometimes, eDiscovery projects have a contract angle to them. For example, determining which of a company’s contracts have a problematic term in them, or which might have antitrust implications. Additionally, since eDiscovery professionals have real expertise in reviewing large collections of documents, they frequently work on non-confrontational large-scale contract reviews. Examples would be helping a large corporate with a spin-out or big change (like the LIBOR transition). While dedicated eDiscovery software may have a bunch of very useful features for these large scale contract reviews, eDiscovery software also tends to have weaknesses against dedicated Contracts AI software. This stems from important differences in contract review and eDiscovery projects. eDiscovery vendors can use Embeddable Contracts AI to help bridge some of these gaps, enabling them to quickly bring pre-built Contracts-AI-specific features to market. Frequently, some UI work is needed too. For a good example of this working in practice, see Heretik (which works in Relativity, and has integrated Embeddable Contracts AI.